Statement of Beliefs

Our Beliefs (Simplified Articles of Religion of the AME Zion Church):

1.      We believe in only one GOD. Our GOD is alive, all powerful, wise, good, and the maker of all things. We also believe that there are three persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

2.      We believe that Jesus (also called the Word) was born of a virgin, both human and divine and that he was crucified and buried so that we could be reconciled to GOD.

3.      We believe that Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven and will return at the day of judgement.

4.      We believe that the Holy Ghost is of one substance, majesty, and glory with the Father and the Son.

5.      We believe that the scriptures in the Bible are holy and inspired by GOD. We also believe that in the Bible, we have everything needed for salvation.

6.      We believe that good works (service, giving, etc.) are evidences of our faith, but these good works cannot take away our sins.

7.      We believe that even after we are saved that we still sin and fall short. However, we believe that through earnest repentance, GOD will forgive and restore us.

8.      We believe that the church of GOD is a body of faithful believers where the pure word of GOD is preached and communion and baptism are regularly administered.

9.      We believe that there is a place in our worship for rites and ceremonies; however, these rituals may be modified so that worship will glorify GOD.

10.  We believe that Christ’s death on the cross is the perfect and sufficient sacrifice to redeem the whole world from sin.